
Trump and Biden hit the Midwest as Texas shatters early voter turnout records - CBS News

Early voter turnout in Texas continued to shatter records on Friday, as the number of early voters surpassed the state's total number of voters in 2016. Over nine million people have voted in the state as of Friday, the last day of early voting.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris visited the state to campaign. "Today is the last day of early voting in Texas and you all have been doing your thing," she said in Fort Worth.

Meanwhile, President Trump and Joe Biden both campaigned in the Midwest as they head into the final weekend before Election Day.  Mr. Trump's rally in Rochester, Minnesota, was limited to 250 people due to coronavirus restrictions, and he only spoke for only 30 minutes.

Biden, meanwhile, had his busiest day so far of the general election, holding rallies in three states and returning to Iowa for the first time since he came in fourth in the caucuses in February.  "Back at the state fair," he said, at the top of his remarks in Des Moines.

Biden will be hitting the campaign trail in Michigan on Saturday with former President Obama. The pair will be in Flint and Detroit, as Biden hopes to recapture the state that Mr. Obama won in 2008 and 2012 but went red for Mr. Trump in 2016.

People hold signs outside of the Metropolitan Multi-Services Center of Montrose in Houston on the last day of early voting October 30, 2020.  JULIA BENARROUS/AFP via Getty Images

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October 31, 2020 at 09:53PM

Trump and Biden hit the Midwest as Texas shatters early voter turnout records - CBS News
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