
POLITICO Playbook: Who called Trump? - POLITICO - Politico

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SHOT: PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP said this Sunday evening about restarting Covid relief negotiations: “The Democrats have called. They’d like to get together. And we say if it’s not a waste of time, we’ll do it. ... I hear that Nancy Pelosi wants to call, and she wants to see if she can do something. But they’re much more inclined to make a deal now than they would’ve been two days ago," TRUMP said at the Morristown, N.J., airport. Video

CHASER: Two senior Democratic aides told us Sunday night Speaker NANCY PELOSI and Senate Minority Leader CHUCK SCHUMER have had no contact with the White House since the Friday meeting with MARK MEADOWS and STEVEN MNUCHIN. Unless it’s SCHUMER and PELOSI calling, it doesn’t matter -- generally speaking.

SPEAKING AT A CLOSED FUNDRAISER Sunday in New Jersey, TRUMP said of the crowds when he has been traveling: “Ohio, Texas and Florida last week, 100,000 people at least in each place, riding down the streets, all over the highways.”

WSJ ED BOARD RAPS TRUMP AGAIN!: “The good news is that President Trump on Saturday escaped the trillion-dollar terms of surrender demanded by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The bad news is that he followed the Barack Obama method with executive orders, one of which stretches the law in a way that a future progressive President will surely cite as a precedent. ...

“These columns opposed Mr. Obama’s orders, and one constitutional abuse doesn’t justify another. Mr. Trump’s FEMA order is a bad legal precedent that a President Kamala Harris could cite if a GOP Congress blocked her agenda on, say, climate change.

“All of this shows how our polarized politics is stressing the constitutional system. Democrats and the press blame Mr. Trump, but they are as culpable for enabling Mr. Obama’s executive end-runs around Congress. Congress and the President should work it out the constitutional way, but if they can’t, the voters will have to settle the debate.”

BREAKING … BLOOMBERG: “China to Sanction U.S. Officials in Retaliation Over Hong Kong”: “China will sanction 11 Americans in retaliation for similar measures imposed by the Trump administration on Friday, according to Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian.

“Those sanctioned include Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, Human Rights Watch Executive Director Kenneth Roth and Michael Abramowitz, the president of Freedom House, Zhao told a briefing in Beijing. The U.S. on Friday said it was placing sanctions on 11 Chinese officials and their allies in Hong Kong, including Chief Executive Carrie Lam, over their roles in curtailing political freedoms in the former British colony.”

YES, WE ARE … WAPO, via Felicia Sonmez: “In a brief exchange with a reporter near his Rehoboth Beach, Del., home, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden gave no indications Sunday morning whether he has come to a decision on his running mate. ‘Are you ready?’ the former vice president replied when asked whether he’d made his choice.”

-- AP’S STEVE PEOPLES and ALEXANDRA JAFFE: “At a minimum, the [VP] decision will shift the force of the campaign — at least temporarily — away from Donald Trump’s turbulent presidency onto Biden himself. That’s not a place many Democrats are comfortable given Biden’s proclivity for gaffes and the persistent lack of excitement behind his candidacy.”

Good Monday morning.

FRONTS: NYT, with this headline: “Is a ‘Top Cop’ Now a Reformer? Wrestling With Harris’s Record”WSJN.Y POST

NYT, A15: “The Wallets of Wall Street Are With Joe Biden, if Not the Hearts,” by Kate Kelly, Shane Goldmacher and Tom Kaplan: “Wall Street has fared extraordinarily well under Mr. Trump: deep cuts to taxes, slashed regulations and, until the pandemic hit, record stock prices. But in recent months, dozens of bankers, traders and investors said in interviews, a sense of outrage and exhaustion over Mr. Trump’s chaotic style of governance — accelerated by his poor coronavirus response — had markedly shifted the economic and political calculus in their industry.

“More and more finance professionals, they say, appear to be sidelining their concerns about Mr. Biden’s age -- 77 -- and his style. They are surprisingly unperturbed at the likelihood of his raising their taxes and stiffening oversight of their industry. In return, they welcome the more seasoned and methodical presidency they believe he could bring.

“They may not exactly be falling in love with Mr. Biden. But they are falling in line. ‘I’ve seen meaningful numbers of people put aside what would appear to be their short-term economic interest because they value being citizens in a democracy,’ said Seth Klarman, founder of the hedge fund Baupost. A longtime independent, Mr. Klarman was at one point New England’s biggest giver to the Republican Party. But in this cycle, he has given $3 million to groups supporting Mr. Biden.”

THE CORONAVIRUS IS RAGING … 5.04 MILLION AMERICANS have tested positive for Covid-19. … 162,938 AMERICANS have died.

-- NYT: “At Least 97,000 Children in the U.S. Tested Positive in Last 2 Weeks of July”

-- LAT: “California’s public health director resigns amid questions about coronavirus test data,” by John Myers in Sacramento

THE ECONOMY -- “Millennials Slammed by Second Financial Crisis Fall Even Further Behind,” by WSJ’s Janet Admy: “The economic hit of the coronavirus pandemic is emerging as particularly bad for millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, who as a group hadn’t recovered from the experience of entering the workforce during the previous financial crisis. For this cohort, already indebted and a step behind on the career ladder, this second pummeling could keep them from accruing the wealth of older generations.”

-- “Pandemic wrecks global Class of 2020’s hopes for first job,” by AP’s Kelvin Chan in London: “Around the world, young people armed with new degrees, diplomas and professional qualifications are struggling to enter the workforce as the pandemic pushes the global economy into recession. COVID-19 has thwarted hopes of landing first jobs - important for jumpstarting careers - as employers cut back graduate recruiting plans or even revoke job offers.” AP

CULTURE WARS … LAURA BARRÓN-LÓPEZ and ALEX THOMPSON: “Facing bleak November, Republicans look to stoke BLM backlash”: “For a brief moment after George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis policeman in late May, some members of the GOP joined calls for change as protests exploded onto streets across the country. That moment is over. Facing possible electoral calamity, Republicans are now turning to a familiar playbook: stoking fear by trying to redefine the Black Lives Matter movement as a radical leftist mob looking to sabotage the white, suburban lifestyle.

“Republicans are using two lines of attack: the Trump administration, candidates in safe red seats and right-wing social media channels seek to label the entire movement ‘Marxist’ and anti-family as they try to energize their conservative base. Republicans running in swing districts and states, meanwhile, are tying their Democratic opponents to activists’ demands to defund police departments, while avoiding explicitly mentioning Black Lives Matter. Instead, Republicans running in competitive general election races have focused recent ads on more abstract targets like ‘left-wing radicals’ and the ‘liberal mob.’

“It’s a distinction Democratic pollsters and lawmakers attribute to the dramatic shift in public views on police brutality, and who and what people associate with the declaration that ‘Black Lives Matter.’ The new broad support for the movement, they say, makes it harder to tie Black Lives Matter to one person, organization or ideology.” POLITICO

VEEPSTAKES -- “As decision day nears, VP hopefuls rake in big money for Biden,” by Elena Schneider: “The Democrats vying to be Joe Biden’s running mate have made the rounds of the Sunday shows. They’ve enlisted surrogates to talk them up to the vetting committee and have been preparing for their one-on-one interviews with Biden himself. But as the vetting process enters its final stage, there's another lesser-noticed facet to the veepstakes: how much cash the contenders have raised for him, and their ability to juice donations if they're chosen.

“Of Biden’s prospective running mates, Sen. Elizabeth Warren has brought in the most money for him, totaling more than $7.7 million combined from a high-dollar event — which she vocally swore off during her own campaign — and a grass-roots event that drew 50,000 participants. She’s also sent multiple emails to her own small-dollar list, as well as his. On Tuesday, Warren will host another event for Biden, alongside Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.), with tickets ranging from $250 to $25,000, according to an invitation obtained by POLITICO.”

TRUMP’S MONDAY -- The president will have lunch with VP Mike Pence at 12:30 p.m. in the private dining room. He will receive an intel briefing at 2 p.m.

-- KAYLEIGH MCENANY will hold a press briefing at 1 p.m.


CNN’S JIM SCUITTO has a new book out Tuesday called “THE MADMAN THEORY: Trump Takes on the World.” WE HAVE AN exclusive excerpt about TRUMP’S decision-making process in Syria -- and it’s well worth the read. Buy the book for $28.99

BIG NEWS IN HONG KONG -- “Hong Kong tycoon Jimmy Lai arrested under security law, bearing out ‘worst fears,’” by Reuters’ Greg Torode and James Pomfret in Hong Kong: “Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai became the highest-profile person arrested under a new national security law on Monday, detained over suspected collusion with foreign forces as around 200 police searched the offices of his Apple Daily newspaper.

“Lai, 71, has been one of the most prominent democracy activists in the Chinese-ruled city and an ardent critic of Beijing, which imposed the sweeping new law on Hong Kong on June 30, drawing condemnation from Western countries. His arrest comes amid Beijing’s crackdown against pro-democracy opposition in the city and further stokes concerns about media and other freedoms promised to the former British colony when it returned to China in 1997.” Reuters

-- AZAR IN TAIPEI: “U.S. Official Praises Taiwan During Highest-Level Visit in Decades,” by NYT’s Amy Qin

BACKLASH IN BELARUS -- “Lukashenko’s claim of landslide victory sparks widespread protests,” by The Guardian’s Yan Auseyushkin in Minsk and Andrew Roth in Moscow: “Clashes broke out in cities across Belarus on Sunday evening as riot police used rubber bullets, flash grenades, teargas and water cannon to quash protests against the results of the contested presidential election.

“Alexander Lukashenko, who has ruled for 26 years, claimed he had won a landslide victory in an election marred by accusations of vote-rigging. The election commission announced on Monday that Lukashenko took 80.23% of the votes while his main opposition challenger Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, who has held some of the country’s largest political rallies since the days of the Soviet Union, had only 9.9%.

“Large protests broke out soon after the polls closed in Minsk, where a crowd of thousands gathered in the centre of the capital.” Guardian

BUSINESS BURST -- “Amazon and Mall Operator Look at Turning Sears, J.C. Penney Stores Into Fulfillment Centers,” by WSJ’s Esther Fung and Sebastian Herrera: “The largest mall owner in the U.S. has been in talks with Inc., the company many retailers denounce as the mall industry’s biggest disrupter, to take over space left by ailing department stores.

“Simon Property Group Inc. has been exploring with Amazon the possibility of turning some of the property owner’s anchor department stores into Amazon distribution hubs, according to people familiar with the matter. Amazon typically uses these warehouses to store everything from books and sweaters to kitchenware and electronics until delivery to local customers.

“The talks have focused on converting stores formerly or currently occupied by J.C. Penney Co. Inc. and Sears Holdings Corp., these people said. The department-store chains have both filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and as part of their plans have been closing dozens of stores across the country. Simon malls have 63 Penney and 11 Sears stores, according to its most recent public filing in May.” WSJ

MEDIAWATCH … NYT’S BEN SMITH: “How Pro-Trump Forces Work the Refs in Silicon Valley”

REMEMBERING JIM MAHONEY, via the Boston Globe: “James E. Mahoney, a bank executive who ‘made the world a better place,’ dies at 67”: “Mr. Mahoney spent the last 25 years of his career at Bank of America and its predecessor, FleetBoston Financial, where his most recent title was global corporate strategy and public policy executive.

“‘He understood and operated very effectively at the crossroads of public policy, politics, and news,’ [Bank of America Vice Chair Anne] Finucane said. ‘He dealt with that collectively as a full-contact sport.’”


Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at [email protected].

STAFFING UP -- Scott Luginbill is now director of congressional affairs for the Trump reelect. He previously worked on congressional affairs for the GOP convention, and is a Mark Walker alum. … Chadwick Carlough is now campaign policy coordinator for the Trump reelect. He previously was chief of staff for Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-Ala.). …

… Subhan Cheema is now director of coalition comms and North Carolina press secretary for the Biden campaign. He previously was comms director/adviser for Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), and is a Richard Blumenthal and Obama HHS alum.

TRANSITIONS -- R. Christopher Di Mezzo is now press secretary for the Lincoln Project in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Maine. He previously was comms director and spokesperson for the Vermont Democratic Party. … Johanny Adames and Silvina Alarcón are joining Latino Victory Project as comms director and campaigns director, respectively. Adames previously led Latino media and comms for Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Action Fund. Alarcón is a DCCC alum.

ENGAGED -- Lauren McBride, a program manager for the House Sergeant at Arms, and Reilly McDonbell, senior director at Dezenhall Resources, got engaged Friday. Lauren surprised Reilly when she popped the question on the speaker’s balcony at the Capitol. PicAnother pic

-- Hunter Morgen, senior adviser at Ballard Partners and former deputy to Peter Navarro and Stephen Miller, and Cora Mandy, deputy comms director at America First Super PAC, got engaged. They met in Trump Tower on the 2016 Trump campaign.

-- Ross Olchyk, senior legislative assistant for Rep. Billy Long (R-Mo.), proposed to Haley Brady, director of operations for Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-Va.), on Friday. PicAnother pic

BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: John Dunagan, president of Highland Advocacy Group. A trend that doesn’t get enough attention: “The damaging impact of the obvious and intentional audience segmentation and subsequent content curation, driven by market and audience research of the three major cable ‘news’ networks.” Playbook Q&A

BIRTHDAYS: Rep. Andy Levin (D-Mich.) is 6-0 … Nancy Cordes, CBS News chief congressional correspondent … Andrew Sullivan is 57 … Meg Ansara, founding partner and CEO at 270 Strategies … Matthew MacWilliams … POLITICO’s Alex Thompson … Sally Garner … POLITICO Europe’s Jan Cienski … Kevin McAlister is 32 … Jim Brady, founder and CEO of Spirited Media … Jessica Wehrman … NYT’s Laura Kim … Paul Conway … Sophie Vershbow of Penguin Random House … Sarah Bryant Burns … Gina Ormand Cherwin …Sarah Kyle, senior adviser and senior director of federal affairs at Eli Lilly … Joshua Karp … Tony Hernandez, press assistant for Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (h/t Sara Guerrero) … Tyler Brandon … Justin Jenkins, digital director for Mark Kelly’s Senate campaign … CNN’s Alex Marquardt and Susie Xu … Chris Hansen …

… Time’s Lissandra Villa … Casey Clemmons, campaign director for the Minnesota DFL Party and a Pete Buttigieg alum (h/t Bailey Romans) … Invariant’s Ben Klein and Noah Kowalski … Katie Papa … Chirag Shah … Noah Marine … David Forman of the American Gaming Association … Ipsos’ Neha Jain … Kevin King … Andy Coulouris, director of federal affairs at DTE Energy … Robert Cogan … Ally Harpootlian of ReThink Drones … Arnold Punaro … Jacob Cohen, senior analyst at CME Group (h/t Carl Hughes) … California Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (h/ts Jon Haber and Teresa Vilmain) … California state Sen. Steve Glazer … Farnaz Mansouri … Wood Foster … Addison DiSesa … Peter Morgan … Mary Warlick … Genevieve Glatsky … Mark Walker … Lucy Goss … Emily Buck … Cameron Onumah … Paul Foutch … Jack Moline … George Appleby … Mike Linhorst … Larry Remer

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