President Donald Trump was never going to carry deep blue California in the November presidential election. But his level of support in the Golden State is shrinking dramatically amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Black Lives Matter protests and the struggling economy.

According to a new poll from the Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS) at UC Berkeley, just 28% of likely voters favor Trump while 67% back Biden, giving the former vice president an impressive 39-point lead — ahead even of the record-breaking 30% margin by which Hillary Clinton won the state four years ago. We all know what happened next.

This time, Biden is the preferred candidate among white, Latino, Asian American and Black voters in California and across every region of the state, every age group and all education levels.

“In many states, white voters are closely divided and there are big differences in the views of President Trump across racial groups,” IGS co-director Eric Schickler said in a statement. “Not so in California.”

Support for Trump does remain strong among Republican voters and those who identify as very conservative — with 88% and 84%, respectively, saying they would support the president’s reelection.

Just 26% of the state’s likely voters are registered Republicans, however, and support for the president is eroding.

Some 71% of registered voters in the state disapprove of the job Trump is doing as president, with 63% of those who disapprove doing so strongly, up six points from January. The rise in disapproval comes after three years in which Californians’ opinion of the president’s performance remained stable — with between 30 and 33% supporting his performance. Now, just 29% of registered voters say they approve of the job he is doing.

The decline in support comes from Black voters, non-partisans and those who consider themselves moderately conservative. And it’s emanating from traditionally Republican pockets of the state in the Central Valley, Inland Empire and Northern Californians living outside the Bay Area.

Two issues that have gripped the country in recent weeks appear to be fueling negative views of the president. Voters who support the Black Lives Matter movement and those who believe the threat of the coronavirus is becoming more serious in their local area are very likely to disapprove of Trump’s performance and favor Biden. And even among the 15% of Californians who don’t like either candidate, voters pick Biden over Trump 71% to 14% — a  departure from 2016 where many voters who said they didn’t like either candidate cast ballots for Trump.

Nationally, polling puts Biden ahead — in some cases by double digits — and he’s polling higher than Trump in swing states like Pennsylvania and Florida.

The poll had a margin of error of 2 percentage points and was conducted in English and Spanish online in late July and included 8,328 registered voters, with 6,756 considered likely to vote in November.